Period Project
- Date Submitted: Feb 15, 2024
- Category: Impact Story

Across the US, one in five girls and women miss school because of their period, and Jackson Hole is no exception. St. John’s Health Foundation has joined forces with the Period Project — an effort helmed by Maggie Land, dedicated St. John’s Episcopal Church volunteer — to eliminate period poverty in the Tetons.
“We placed free menstrual products in government buildings, schools, the reservation, the food pantry, the airport, nonprofits with low income clients and grocery stores,” explained Leslye Hardie of St. John’s Episcopal Church. “Our vision has been and continues to be ensuring that girls and women never miss school or any aspect of life due to the lack of these products in Teton County.”
Under the guidance of Sean Ryan, Director of Facilities for St. John’s Health, product dispensers have been installed throughout the hospital. “I think it's great that they're free; that's an absolute need in my mind,” he said. “It's not an amenity, it's a necessity.”