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Eustress: Why Some Stress is Good For You

  • Category: Blog, Wellness
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  • Written By: St. John's Health
Eustress: Why Some Stress is Good For You

Understanding Different Types of Stress

While there's a heightened focus on the negative effects of stress, there are also positive types of stress that help you to feel good about life. The health experts at St. John’s are here to share the ways that stress can prove to be a positive part of your everyday life.


When we think of stress, we often imagine the feeling of being overwhelmed and under an immense amount of pressure; this is what is called distress. As outlined by the American Psychology Association (APA), distress is a negative stress response that typically involves high levels of perceived threat, losses, or demands.

Negative Effects of Distress

When you have elevated levels of distress in your life, it can have the following negative effects on your emotional and mental health:

  • Increased feelings of anxiety and depression
  • Difficulty responding to feelings of irritability or anger
  • Difficulty controlling worrying
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Reduced capacity for decision-making


According to the American Psychology Association (APA), eustress is a positive stress response that is a result of a challenging yet rewarding task. Whether you’ve felt the pressure of preparing for a big presentation at work or trained for an athletic event, you’ve probably experienced this type of stress before.

Positive Effects of Eustress

Some of the positive psychological effects of eustress on your mental and emotional health include:

  • A sense of fulfillment
  • Improved focus
  • Builds autonomy
  • Improves self-confidence
  • Desire to improve

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