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St. John's Health COVID-19 Info

Information on COVID-19 in Jackson Hole, Wyoming

In most cases, Coronavirus (COVID-19), like the seasonal flu, is not life threatening and does not require medical treatment beyond fever control and oral fluids. For the health and safety of our community, if you are feeling ill with flu symptoms, please stay home and separate yourself from others. However, given the high rate of contagiousness of COVID-19, St. John’s Health has implemented measures to control spread of the illness to health care workers and people most likely to experience severe illness.

  • Call 307-739-4898, and listen to the options if you:
    • Have any symptoms, not matter how mild: fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, muscle aches, loss of sense of smell or taste, or flu symptoms
    • Have questions about COVID-19 testing
    • If you have questions about receiving a COVID vaccine or believe you may have been exposed to COVID-19.
    • Have been in close contact with someone who is COVID-positive and need to contact the Teton County Health Department.
  • To help contain the spread of COVID-19 in our community, you should NOT come to St. John’s Health clinics or hospital unless directed in the phone evaluation to do so. Health professionals on our call-line can discuss your symptoms with you and address many concerns over the phone to determine if self-care at home, medical attention, or testing, is warranted. The call line is staffed:
    • Monday–Thursday: 9:00 am–4:00 pm
  • If you have shortness of breath or are unable to catch your breath, call 911 or go to St. John’s Emergency Department at 625 E. Broadway. There is no need to call ahead.

Questions? Visit our FAQ

COVID-19 Testing Options

Teton County Department of Health has the latest COVID-19 testing options in Jackson Hole, WY.

Your Testing Options

View the Teton County COVID-19 Dashboard for the latest county information

St. John's Preparedness

St. John's Health is working with community health partners on keeping the community of Jackson, WY and the region informed on Coronavirus information. St. John's is prepared to handle infectious diseases, including the Coronavirus, when they present themselves in the community. This includes following strict CDC guidelines, internal training and communication, preparing medical supplies, and knowing when to admit a patient exhibiting potential infectious disease symptoms to an airborne isolation room.

Temporary Visitor Policy:

St. John’s Health is has implemented temporary visitor restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic to help reduce transmission and keep patients and staff safe.

See the latest policy

Return to work approvals:

Some Teton County employers require employees to present a doctor's note to be cleared to return to work. Currently, the CDC is asking employers to not require a healthcare provider's note for employees who are sick with acute respiratory illness to validate their illness or to return to work. This is because healthcare providers and medical facilities may be extremely busy and not able to provide such documentation in a timely way. At St. John's Health, the medical professionals staffing our COVID-19 call line cannot do a medical evaluation and cannot clear anyone to work. It is recommended that employees work with their employer to follow the CDC guidelines for businesses. If sick, employees should call their primary care provider (PCP) for medical evaluation. If the employee does not have a PCP, they should call 307-739-4898.

Helpful resources:

Real-time information from the CDC: