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Neurological Conditions

Rehabilitation Services in Jackson Hole

Experiencing a stroke or other neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease or multiple sclerosis can leave a person with cognitive difficulties, movement challenges, and loss of other functions that used to come naturally.

If you have a neurological condition, you may benefit from rehabilitation services to address effects and develop a plan to treat:

  • Loss of Coordination
  • Spasticity
  • Sensory loss or visual/perception problems
  • Cognitive problems (memory, problem-solving, etc.)
  • Dysphagia (difficulty swallowing)
  • Aphasia (difficulty communicating)
  • Incontinence of bowel and/or bladder
  • Weakness

Our Goals

The interdisciplinary team will develop an individualized treatment plan to help the patient become as independent as possible in the activities of daily living, including mobility and homemaking skills, and facilitate re-entry into the home and community.

Specific goals may include:

  • Increasing physical and cognitive function to the maximum possible level
  • Improving the individual’s functional communication abilities
  • Ensuring maximum mobility and safety with adaptive equipment as necessary
  • Increasing independence in self-care skills and homemaking levels to maximum levels
  • Providing knowledge of available community resources to smooth the transition to home and community

Our Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility in Jackson, WY is now open. Call (307) 739-4917 to learn more.

Patient Participation

The patient’s role becomes that of an active participant in learning how actions, choices and attitudes affect the neurological condition and in learning techniques to manage the condition.

Communication with the Referral Source

The therapy staff is experienced in working with physicians, discharge planners and medical case managers. Progress reports are provided as requested.

To Make a Referral

If you believe a person may benefit from our services, please phone us. A member of our staff will perform an assessment at no charge.

Patients and their families may also ask their physician or health system social worker to initiate a referral. Admission is by physician’s order.